I am alive

Four dirty men in greasy clothes surrounded a girl. One of them hits her and grabs her hair, the rest swear dirty and cramped and giggled, exposing yellow teeth. Suddenly a bullet whistles a villain's chest with a whistle, and a person appears on the horizon. In his hands he has a gun, behind a machete belt. Brokes in fear are healed, but a man is ruthless: two shots, a powerful blow with a blade – and four corpses are already lying on the ground. This is a standard mise -en -scene from I Am Alive – surprisingly the original game, which nevertheless is not very similar to what was supposed to become originally.

Dear, I'm at home!

After a series of terrible natural cataclysms, the town of Hivenon (and not only he – the Apocalypse happened global, but the action of the game unfolds here) turned into ruins. Most of the inhabitants died during earthquakes, and the few survivors cannot calmly walk along the streets because of dusty storms and gangs of bastards who have lost every human appearance. There are practically no food and medication in the city, there is no water and electricity, not a single type of transport works.

[[Bullet]] See a rickety skyscraper below? After a while, you have to ride on it on the back. It is necessary to somehow have fun without the Internet and video game.

During the disaster, which, without unnecessary thoughts, was called The Event (that is, just a “event”), Adam, our hero, was on a working trip away from his wife and daughter. While he recovered from injuries and stuck on foot to the threshold of his house, passed for a whole year. But the long -awaited reunion did not happen: instead of the family inside, Adam discovers only a farewell note, after reading which he collects his belongings and sets off again.

Stay alive

Everyone wants your death in I am Alive. A distraught grandmother with a gun, homeless people in the subway, looters on the street and the devil knows who else. Fighting in the game-something new. This is not even action, but a kind of puzzle. As a rule, bandits attack immediately from all sides. The main thing is not to panic and not to “shine” the weapon, but to quickly estimate the action plan. For example, with all your appearance to show that you can’t pose a danger, and then cut the throat of the closest enemy, shoot an armed bandit and kill the remaining one by a sharp movement. After such scenes, you feel like the hero of Denzel Washington from the Ilai Book, who alone carried forward the crowd of ill -wishers.

[[Bullet]] Luke has its drawbacks: while you pick up the fallen arrow and stretch the bowstring, get a dozen stabs in the liver in the liver.

From Adam's weapons only a machete, a gun and a bow that appears closer to the end of the game. Remember how tight it was with ammunition in Condemned: Criminal Origins? So, compared to I am alive, there are simply stumbled there. However, the gun is useful without cartridges. If you put an empty trunk on some ragged barrel, then for some time it will fade in fear and pray for mercy. The threats of the enemy can be pushed to the ledge and throw it down or pushed into the bonfire. The main thing is to do this quickly, because after a few moments the enemy will begin to doubt loudly whether you have enough to shoot your spirit and whether the gun is charged at all, and having made sure of his rightness, he will rush at you with a knife. If there are several enemies, it is best to shoot someone indicatively so that the rest is unreasonable to twitch: it is a pity for cartridges, but life is more expensive.

Hunger games

The most dangerous opponent in the game is the city itself. Since complete devastation reigns around, most of the time you have to climb over the steep surfaces, some beams, cornices, drains and even a train hanging over the abyss, just like in Uncharted 2. But Adam is not a superman like Nathan Drake, but the most ordinary guy, so acrobatic tricks are given to him with great difficulty. Absolutely all your actions, including running, require energy. If she is exhausted, Adam will sprinkle his fingers in powerlessness and fall. To restore strength, you need to relax on a ledge or drive a wedge with a rope into the wall and take a breath on it.

[[Bullet]] at night in Havelon is especially scary.

In addition, health and energy are restored by the ancient way – a dense dinner. The post -apocalyptic diet mainly consists of rats, canned foods, anesthetics and water, rare first -aid kits and fruits are regarded as a gift of heaven. The tramps in the subway can kindly offer “almost fresh meat”, but judging by the absence of any living creatures in the district, the peasants are eaten from the human barbecue (in the final statistics it is even taken into account whether you have reached cannibalism or not).

Many people ask for help: someone needs food, someone inhaler from asthma, and some are begging for a pack of cigarettes. To find rare items, you need to rummage carefully on all nooks. And the most valuable, as luck would have it, lies in dusty ruins, where even with a protective mask it is impossible to be for a long time, it is necessary to periodically get upstairs-breathe more or less fresh air.

Fulfilling the requests of the inhabitants of Havelon who have not lost the conscience and reason, you have to walk along the Lottomart sister sites same locations – and this is the main drawback of I am alive. If you help all the survivors and explore the area, at the normal level of complexity, passing will take about six hours. During this time, it becomes clear that the “full of dangers” is only a small patch with small branches. This is enough for a downloaded game, but I am alive would like to evaluate without any discounts on the format.

[[Bullet]] Graphics in the game is terrible: crooked models, crooked textures. The situation is saved only by good lighting and post -cutting pictures.

It is felt that the game is closely in their own framework, the authors conceived a much larger and deeper story, but, apparently, they could not realize all their ideas. In every video, in every scene there is a huge potential, but in fact we see only shadows of excellent ideas. For example, in the subway, two friends begin to scary terribly due. You can silently pass by, and then one will cut the other, but you can pull out a gun and call the debaters to prudence. A girl in a skyscraper begs you not to take all the tomatoes, because she herself has nothing. In an abandoned hotel, you can save a woman from the paws of the rapist with a well -aimed shot through the curtain, focusing on the shadows. These are wonderful situations, but there are only a few of them for the whole game, and this is how few. History even breaks off in a half -word, without telling the most interesting. Apparently, there will be a continuation.

I am alive is far from the perfect game: the passage is very linear, the game mechanics will sometimes fail, and you won’t look at the graphics without tears. But she succeeded in what some multimillion -dollar blockbusters did not succeed – to give us new sensations. Atmosphere of devastation, the struggle for each cartridge, jumping from the last forces – this is not forgotten. Immediately after the first passage, I would like to return to Hivenn again and this time still bring a cute old woman of wine, whom she so wants to sip in the end.


Cool plot:


Easy to master:





Sound and music:


Interface and management:



Very atmospheric game and at the same time a good survival simulator in the end of the world. Here they kill by a bottle of water and eat human only in order to survive.

Mania rating: 7.5
